When was the last time you saw goat on the menu, alongside lamb or beef? Goat meat is qualified as 'OTHER'. Unfortunately, that makes it seem exotic, a little scary, a little unfamiliar, but it shouldn't be. Goat is delicious and it’s coming to a menu near you with the UK’s first ever, month long celebration #Goatober.
Meet Erin Fairbanks, the coordinator of Heritage Food USA’s No Goat Left Behind project, a passion-driven effort to get every day diners, cooks and chefs - like you and me - to add goat meat to our diets. What Erin is trying to do is to start a movement. She wants to encourage us, even tempt us (in a delicious way), to eat more goat meat for a good reason: to help dairy farmers save young, male goats from having a life they wouldn't be proud of.
The hard truth is: to get more goat milk for goat cheese, farmers need to breed more female goats to have babies. Unfortunately, after they're born, baby boys or billy goats, have no role on a dairy farm. So, most farmers are faced with difficult choices; but, it doesn't have to be that way. Find out more at www.cabrito.co.uk and search the hashtag #Goatober on Twitter and Instagram, but most of all, enjoy!